Tygon is an interesting character, and with a new project IDC newly-released, we caught up to see where his mind is:

If can, put your flavor in words…

I try to keep it old school, which is more rugged. I struggled a little growing up, but now I have a more positive out look in life.
So as I evolve so does music and so does my music.

When you say old school, what does that mean?

Old-school to me is a vibe. A tougher time, a time where bullying was part of life, when people just had to keep pushing even though they were being dragged down.

Would you call your music conscious?

Yes, in many aspects when you here the lyrics I sometimes throw out real life teachings. My most important part of it all, is have faith. Faith in yourself, faith in your ability, faith that anything is possible. I have a way longer answer to this question, but this is the short version.

How’d you start out?

It started as a hobby, some people heard me and inspired me to keep going.

What city are you from?

As a kid mom’s did what she could, so we moved around a lot. From LA county to OC county. I stay now in east SGV in east LA county.

Oh, wow… Top 5 LA rappers?

Difficult to answer because there literally is thousands of great artist/rappers in LA. But I will give an honorable list, of those who started it all.
Ice Cube

Favorite album of all time?


What’s your biggest challenge as an artist?

Well I really haven’t found any, if it’s meant to be it will be. If it’s meant to be then it all just fall into place.

What’s another talent you have that people may not expect?

I enjoy fixing things. Cars, motorcycles, scooters, ect….

What legacy will you leave?

To me it’s not about being legendary. I’m just a guy who likes to share his creativity in hopes that people enjoy it. Either way I love music and the process of creating it.



G-HOLY.COM, 2022.