Kemi$try Speaks on Legacy & Music Industry Woes. We caught up to Kemi$try for an interview to see what she’s up to & launch her new single, “Flipping It Dipping It“.


What city are you from?  I’m from Nashville, TN.

How did you get started? I got started by writing rap songs, then rehearsing it in front of my Mama and siblings.

Name your biggest influence…
My biggest influencer was my Granny. I never knew she believed in me, until the day she was very sick then placed in hospice. She said something to her nurse that forever stuck with me; my Granny is the reason I choose to do music, write books and become an upcoming actress. I know if she was here today, her mean self would be proud of me [laughs].

Describe your “Come-Up” so far… My biggest come up is when I released my first and video,
(I got that fire). Just like the song title, my song is really that lit [laughs]. I put this song out while I had self doubt and come to find out folks loved my song! I had folks bopping their heads etc. After that accomplishment, I kept moving forward [be]cause I knew I could do anything.

What’s your biggest challenge as an artist? At this point, my biggest challenge would be being a sexy female rapper and working with males in the music industry. Some just don’t know how to keep it professional [shakes head]. Other than that, there’s no challenge I can’t take on. I’m ready for whatever comes my way.


Describe your songmaking process… My song-making process: I’ll sit down, write a song then go find a banging beat to top it off & then go from there. Sometimes I’ll write pieces of my song while in my car, [be]cause soon as some bars come to my mind, I gotta hurry up and write it down before I forget. I’m always pen-ready. I even record my freestyles in the car. I really be hyping myself up in the car [laugh].

What legacy will you leave? The legacy I’m tryna leave is: anyone can accomplish their goals, no matter if you poor, the background you have or what color you are. None of that matters! What matters is being determined enough to just do it. Go out & do it and of course the journey won’t be easy. That needs to be the time a person pushes even hard[er]. Sometimes you have to be sick and tired to really accomplish something in life. Anyhow, I do have kids that look up to me. Therefore, I want to leave them something to remember me by.

Plug your new single/project… My new song “Flipping It Dipping It” is available on all platforms.

Social media:
Instagram: famerica_kemistry2
Twitter: trykemi
Tictok: kemistry615


G-HOLY.COM, 2023.